
Help us build a brave generation.

Too many of us see the loss of confidence that girls experience in adolescence. Girls’ confidence drops at 4.5 the rate of boys. The antidote? If only it were as simple as giving girls more confidence! We can’t give kids confidence, they have to earn it through their experiences. With your partnership, we can teach girls the skills they need to be brave, take action, and build resilience.

You have the potential to spark the brave in your girl.

Ready? Parents, parent-figures and caregivers are the number one influencer in a girl’s life. You are the one that can give her the permission and the scripts to be brave.

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Imagine if girls thought of themselves as brave.

Imagine if they saw brave as being true to themselves and standing up for their beliefs. Just think of the courageous acts, the art, the risks, the limits, the mistakes, the relationships, the requests, and potential that could be realized.

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Being brave matters.

Not so-much the traditional slaying-the-dragon bravery (because most of us don’t encounter dragons that often), but the every-day, “microbravery” moments when we are selecting our socks in the morning, where we choose to sit for lunch, or raising our hand in a class or meeting when we don’t know an answer. When we know we are brave, we can take on healthy risks, push the edge of our comfort zone, practice resilience, and build our confidence.

The Cycle of Building Confidence

Each year we serve 10,000 people in person, and half a million through online resources. We teach parents, girls, and educators to find their discomfort zone. They graduate from our programs better able to identify emotions, approach conflict as an opportunity for change, and respond to failure with resilience.

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The 200 girls who come to our Summer Program will leave their families, give up their phones, live in a college dorm, wake up with theatre games, practice leadership skills, speak up in their relationships, conquer the high ropes course, voice their beliefs through art, and take a stand for social justice. They’ll discover that they are brave, resilient, and connected to a powerful group of girls from across the globe. You can make this transformational summer possible. 

Make a donation today to give a girl a scholarship unlike any other -- a scholarship in brave.

Building Brave at Home

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Campaign header photo couresty of Laura Turbo Photography

Infographics courtesty of Sara Jennision
