Dignity, Transformation, Growth

Supporting SOIL's ecological sanitation work in Haiti

Dignity, Transformation, Growth: these are the words that my fellow co-workers chose a few years ago to describe what SOIL is about. The dignity of a safe, private place to go the bathroom; the transformation of dangerous waste into beautiful, enriching compost; the growth of healthy food and crops to sustain Haitian families - these are just the beginning. Everyday I see the dignity of men and women who are gainfully employed working for the betterment of their communities, the transformation of people from earthquake survivors and cholera victims to agents of change, the growth of our team's knowledge and expertise as they work to build a globally replicable model to solve the sanitation crisis. I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of this movement.
We are getting closer and closer to a social business for household toilets that can stand on its own two feet, but in the mean time, we need your support to keep doing what we're doing: providing thousands of people with access to toilets that protect the health of their families and communities; removing and treating over 25 tons of human wastes every month so they can not leach into water sources; producing thousand of pounds of compost that is used by farmers, community gardens, reforestation projects, and others to rebuild the health of Haiti's environment.

In honor of our upcoming 10th anniversary, SOIL received an anonymous grant - 10k for 10 - that is matching all new monthly donations dollar-for-dollar, month-by-month, through January 2018. As a part of our development team, I can't stress enough how monthly gifts make a huge difference: this one thing that is reliable where (in this sector, and in this country) pretty much nothing else is. It's a great opportunity to make even a small gift go a long way - so join me in becoming a monthly donor to SOIL!
