Feed A Volunteer

Fuel Volunteer Stewardship on Public Lands

At the Northwoods Volunteer Connection, we know that a well-fed volunteer is a happy and productive volunteer. In 2017, 256 Northwoods volunteers spent over 1,500 hours in the Superior National Forest improving 37 miles of trails and controlling 6.5 acres of invasive species. We strive to create a positive experience for those who dedicate their time and energy to improving public land and resources in NE Minnesota. That includes making sure our volunteers have the fuel they need, either by providing meals or giving a daily stipend to cover their food expenses.

Your contribution will allow us continue to support and encourage these individuals and the great work that they do. A donation of $25 (our daily food reimbursement rate) will fuel a volunteer working on public land stewardship for one day.

LIMITED TIME OFFER! Donate at the $50 level or above and you'll receive a screen printed Northwoods Volunteer t-shirt as a thank you gift! A limited number of unisex sizes small through XXL are available, donate today to claim yours.

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