Panzi Foundation USA Pathways to Healing Campaign

Healing Women, Restoring Lives, Strengthening Communities

Hello, Friends and Family! 

Let me begin by saying THANKS! If you are getting this note from me it's because you already know and understand the power you possess to transfrom lives. You've done it. You donate to Panzi Foundation USA, or attend our events, or ask me questions about our programs, and tell others about what's happening in Congo. You get it.

When Dr. Mukwege, Peter Frantz and I started PFUSA in 2010, we only imagined the possibilities for expanding Panzi Hospital's transformative after-care programs. We only imagined the willingness of people to get involved. And then you stepped up to fund healing and hope. I'm so proud of what we have created thanks to you, especially our music therapy program!

Watch the video (above) about Nadine to see for yourself. We also now have data that indicate our innovative music therapy effort is effective for reducing women's anxiety and levels of PTSD. But we need to keep going. There is still so much work to be done! Please help us expand our reach and bring programs like music therapy to more people in Congo.  Thank you! 

In solidarity and gratitude, 

Lee Ann
