Stencil's death has left a hole in our hearts.People assume that because we rescue so many animals that we've gotten used to death, that we've found a way cope with the loss.
To an extent, it's true that we've learned to deal with death so that we can continue providing the care the other animals need. But when it's the death of a resident who was also a friend to the staff, volunteers, and visitors … well, it's just a difficult time.

But rather than dwell on the loss of our friend, we remember the joyful life he was able to live when he found sanctuary in 2010.
Stencil was rescued from a terrible hoarding situation and arrived emaciated and covered in lice.
A few weeks ago we rescued a young goat named Hermione. She too was neglected and emaciated. She's slowly on the road to recovery the way Stencil once was.
Won't you help her — and the many more animals to come — by making a donation today in Stencil's memory?
Because of people like you, we were able to rescue Stencil in 2010. Because of you, we can rescue the next animal in need.