The Kitties' Holiday List (2017-12-03 copy) 00

"What I'd like this season is..."

It's the holiday season and all our "little ones"—cats, dogs, and rabbits both young and old—at Thundering Paws Animal Sanctuary are making lists (checking them twice!) for those special items they're wishing for.

                                                      Sofia's Wish List

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Sofia couldn't wait to get her list posted on Instagram, so she insisted we post it here:

  • A new comb to help with shedding
  • Some cat friendly wetwipes when she needs to feel fresh and clean
  • A new floor for the Thundering Paws Animal Sanctuary 

We hope you'll consider making a tax-deductible wish list donation to Thundering Paws. Select your gift from the list on the right, and we'll make sure it gets into the right hands—or rather, the right paws! 

 Visit us here on Instagram and FaceBook, where we'll be posting one of our furry friend’s wish list every other day, along with their holiday portraits. And of course, keep an eye on your inbox for our weekly newsletter, where you'll find news about the goings on at the Sanctuary, and Sofia's updates about her list! Help us make this holiday a special one for all our creatures, great and small. You can also visit our website, where you can find adoptable kitties, check out our blog, sign up for our newsletter, and learn about all the ways you can get involved with Thundering Paws:  More TP News!

If you'd like to share Sofia's wish list campaign with your friends, it's as easy as clicking the social media or email icons below!

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***Do you have a special someone who has everything, and who hasn't provided a list to guide you in the right, gift-giving direction? Consider making a gift to Thundering Paws in their name—and if you like, we'll send them a holiday card acknowleding the gift.  Just be sure to contact us on our website with the address to send it to.***
