Support Flow
- Nonprofit organization contacts CommitChange support with their request at support@commitchange.com or 888-204-8792
- CommitChange team member determines if the request falls under support, feature request, or custom development
- If the request falls under feature request or custom development, support team member works with organization to develop possible workarounds
- Support team member enters request into CommitChange ticketing system for features
- If custom development is desired, CommitChange Support works with organization and Software for Good on scoping out a minimum viable product and timeline for desired work
The Differences Between Support, Feature Suggestions, and Custom Development
Help you can expect based on current processes, fixes, and data collection
- Answering questions about how CommitChange works
- Basic onboarding tasks like helping with imports and button implementations
- Compiling account data into custom reports
- Bug fixes and basic maintenance that ensure core functionality and stability of the platform
- 30 minute to 1 hour sessions for fundraising strategy and donation flow optimization
Feature Requests:
When we don’t have a desired feature, we add client suggestions to our Feature Suggestion List and take these suggestions into account when planning out our development schedule based on our business needs and the needs of our clientbase
- Asking for a customization on a donate form, campaign page, or event page that doesn’t already exist
- Requesting new filtering options for report filtering
- Asking for an existing feature to act in a new way
- Requesting a feature that is currently missing from CommitChange’s feature list
Custom Development
We review feature suggestions regularly and schedule work on our roadmap based on our business strategy, available developers, and the difficulty of building out said feature; however, custom development is available through Software for Good to remove barriers to developing features that don’t fit into CommitChange’s current long term development strategy.
- Requesting a desired feature be developed beyond what is presently on the current product development schedule or what current developer budgeting will allow
- Asking for a feature in an accelerated time frame due to a pressing need
- Requesting CommitChange design or develop a website’s Donate Page outside of installing a button
- Hiring Software for Good to build a fundraising platform like CommitChange branded to your organization, association, or foundation
Tying it together:
Liz works for a nonprofit that uses CommitChange. CommitChange helped her team implement a donate button onto the existing Donate Page on the organization’s website and import supporters from their existing donor database. When she asked for a report of all of the donors who have given from “Chicagoland,” a team member from CommitChange compiled and sent her a specialized report.
A few months later, Liz needed the same report sent to her again, so she asked that a “region filter” be added to the Payments Dashboard. A team member from CommitChange let Liz know this was the first time a region filter had been requested and that they would add it to the feature suggestions and that, while feature suggestions are reviewed on a regular basis and shape CommitChange’s feature roadmap, since this would be a complex feature to add and wasn’t requested often, it may not make it through to development for some time. They also said they would be happy to pull the report for her again and will continue to do so in the future, asking for a 1-2 business day turnaround for such requests.
After a few months, Liz confirms that the Chicagoland report she has been requesting on a regular basis fits her needs, but asks a CommitChange support member if they can help her design a campaign page on her organization’s website instead of using a CommitChange campaign page. The support team member meets with Liz, a Software for Good team member, and other members of Liz’s team to discuss budget limitations, design, necessary features, and the deadline for completion. The team member from Software for Good follows up with next steps, proposed timeline, and a budget estimate for the project.