New Beginnings in 2023

2022 was a challenging yet exciting year for CommitChange.

Acquisitions are a scary process for teams, even under the best of circumstances. What ifs and questions loom. Will we be hired to continue our work? Will our customers be taken care of? Will the product we’ve spent almost ten years building continue to be fostered and prioritized in the coming years? We were soon to find out that the answer to all of these was a resounding “Yes!”

Fortunately for us, we landed at Software for Good. The company is headquartered in Minneapolis, only a few hours’ drive away from our office in Appleton, WI. We have worked with Software for Good’s apprenticeship program on CommitChange projects, and we were impressed with the impact they have on their community and the wider world. Most importantly, we have shared values that guide how we do business.

In November, Software for Good acquired CommitChange Corporation’s assets and hired me, former COO Wendy Bolm, to work as the CommitChange Product Lead, and Eric Schultz, our former CTO, to work as the CommitChange Technical Lead.

For us, the transition couldn’t have gone better; we’ve even had the chance to drive to Minneapolis and work with the team for a few days. A large part of this smooth transition is because of the values that Software for Good has committed itself to, and the transformations that are underway through CEO Sharon Kennedy Vickers’s leadership.

Sharon has worked with Software for Good to articulate a vision that Eric and I are proud to share, “At Software for Good, we envision a  world where all communities can use the power of data and technology to cultivate shared abundance and liberation. To bring this world into being, we build software with love.”

As we move forward into 2023, we do so with curiosity and a sense of excitement. For CommitChange, this is a year for new beginnings, and taking the time to work with our new team in asking big questions so that CommitChange, and Software for Good, can focus on building tools that support abundance and liberation.